Date: 3/12/2014
Linux and Windows interoperability
Linux for Engineering and IT Applications

Access Samba shares on Windows.
  • On Win_XP virtual desktop, add an entry for smbhost into hosts file, similar to that for your desktop in the previous exercise.
  • In start menu, click onto "My computer", click onto "My network places", then onto "View workgroup computers" and "Microsoft Windows Network". You should see icon Group16, representing the workgroup of the samba shares:

  • Click onto the samba workgroup icon, then onto SMB(netbios name) and provide the user name and password of the samba user to access the shares:

  • You can map the samba share "homes" as a network drive as follows: right click on "My computer"; slide to map Network Drive; in the folder line, type

    Note, in the procedure above, you need to use either the host name or the IP address of your samba server.
  • You can see the accessed shares in the command prompt on Win_XP by running net use:
    net use 
    To unmap one of the shares run:
    net use \\smbhost\IPC$ /DELETE 

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