Linux Security by Bob Toxen - detailed explanations and excellent security tips;
Linux Firewalls (2nd edition) by Robert Ziegler - comprehensieve guide on iptables;
Linux Security Cookbook by Daniel Barrett, Richard Silverman and Robert Byrnes -
great HOWTOs on security topics;
Advanced Linux Networking by Roderick Smith - nice introduction to the concepts of
various network applications.
Smashing The Stack For Fun and Profit, by Aleph One. -- a classical tutorial on writing buffer overflow
Computer Emergency Responce Team (CERT). -- Current security advisories.
Security Focus -- Recent articles related systems security.
Phrack -- annual
hacker's magazine.
Linux Kernel Rootkits, by Rainer Wichmann -- nice overview of the Linux
Kernel rootkits and their detection tools.
Bastille Linux - a security hardening program for Linux.