Lesson 1

Date: 1/22/2014
User accounts, files and directories, processes, system commands.
Linux for Engineering and IT Applications

Topics covered in the previous years class
  • General Linux administration tasks: system commands, shells, processes, file management.
  • Installation and upgrade
  • Networking:fundamentals of TCP/IP, subnetting and routing; host configuration; network services.
  • Virtualization: KVM, Xen, VMware.
  • Code development: Makefile, compilation.
  • Network File System (NFS)
  • Unix and Windows connectivity: Windows VM on Linux, Samba.
  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
  • Shell scripting: bash, grep, awk, sed
  • Run levels, system startup and shutdown; scheduled tasks: at, cron
  • Security topics
  • Computational Linux Clusters: OpenMP, MPI.

Most of the subjects will be the same.

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