Lesson 13

Date: 4/23/2014
High Performance Computing (part II)
Linux for Engineering and IT applications

MPI run on a cluster

  • Make sure all the cluster VMs - clmaster, clnode01, clnode02 are running:
    virsh list

  • Login to clmaster as user mpiuser.
    There should be directory MPI with an MPI compiled code, ex3.x, left from the previous class.

  • cd MPI and create file called machines with a list of the hosts for MPI run:
    clmaster  slots=2
    clnode01  slots=1
    clnode02  slots=1

  • Verify that MPI can run across these hosts by executing a Linux system command through mpiexec:
    mpiexec -n 4 -hostfile machines uname -n 

  • Start MPI run on 4 CPUs
    mpiexec -n 4 -hostfile machines ex3.x

  • Take me to the Course Website