Lesson 13

Date: 4/23/2014
High Performance Computing (part II)
Linux for Engineering and IT applications

MPI setup on the cluster node


  • On clmaster, tar-gzip /usr/local/openmpi directory, where Open MPI has already been installed in the previous class.
    sudo -s
    cd /usr/local
    tar -zcvf openmpi.tgz openmpi

  • On clnode01, scp openmpi.tgz from clmaster into the local /tmp directory, then untar it into /usr/local as shown below:
    scp clmaster:/usr/local/openmpi.tgz /tmp
    sudo -s
    cd /usr/local
    tar -zxvf /tmp/openmpi.tgz

  • On clnode01, install the g++ compiler package:
    apt-get install g++

  • Take me to the Course Website