Lesson 7

Dates: 3/5/2014
Start-up and Run Levels. Scheduled jobs (at, cron)
Linux for Engineering and IT Applications

Exercises: admin commands to start/stop services

Upstart, Event driven services
Available only on Ubuntu
Command initctl talks to init. To see all the upstart services registered with init, run the following:

initctl list
To stop rsyslog services, run

initctl stop rsyslog
To see the status of the service:

initctl status rsyslog
To start the service and see its status:

initctl start rsyslog
initctl status rsyslog 

Legacy System V services
Available on any Linux distro
The System V (non-event driven) service startup scripts are located in directory /etc/init.d. For example to stop and then start cups printing service, use the following

/etc/init.d/cups stop
/etc/init.d/cups start
/etc/init.d/cups status
Is the same as

service cups stop
service cups start
service cups status

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