Topic 6

Date: 3/26/2014
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Practical guide to Linux systems administration

LDAP Applications

LDAP aware applications:

  • LDAP API are available for a number of programming languages, including C, Java, and Perl.

    Application example:

      Apache web server E-mail clients: Netscape, Mozilla, Outlook, Sendmail, Samba

    LDAP for user Authentication:

    Services example

    login, rlogin, rsh, rexec, ftp, passwd, su, sudo, ssh, imap, pop3, xdm...
    To work with LDAP, PAM modules should be configured for accessing LDAP.
    /etc/nsswitch.conf may also need to be configured to point at LDAP for the generic Unix PAM module.


    OpenLDAP Everywhere by Craig Swanson and Matt Lung in Linux Journal
    OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide
    LDAP for Rocket Scientists

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