My VMware ESXi installation checklist

Last updated $Date: 2008-10-03 07:47:15 $

Martti Kupar inen <martti.kuparinen@iki .fi>


This is how I installed and configured all VMware ESXi hosts.

Table of Contents

Network layout
Installing VMware ESXi
Configuring VMware ESXi
Installing RCLI
Installing VMware ESXi updates
Backing up VMware ESXi configuration
Backing up virtual machines
Converting existing virtual machines to ESXi


VMware, Inc. has a bare-metal hypervisor for AMD and Intel x86 CPUs called ESXi which is now available for free of charge. This document described how I installed and configured all our VMware ESXi hosts. Before trying to install ESXi on your host, make sure your hardware is compatible with ESXi (see also this list).

Network layout

The following picture gives an overview of our VMware ESXi setup.

Network overview

Installing VMware ESXi

First modify/check your BIOS settings:

Next add a third NIC (1 GbE or 10 GbE) for the storage network (only if iSCSI or NFS is used).

Next fetch the latest VMware ESXi from and burn it on a CD disk. Boot from the CD and install it. Do not connect any ethernet cables before the initial configuration is done.

If you just want to test ESXi first before installing it on real hardware, you can install VMware ESXi on a USB memory stick. The only restriction with that setup is that you must have external storage (iSCSI or NFS) for virtual machines, all the configuration tasks presented here are same as when you install ESXi on HDD.

Configuring VMware ESXi

Some basic things are configured on the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) while most of the configuration is done with the VMware Infrastructure Client from your Microsoft Windows PC. This PC needs either be on the management network or have access to it via some router. Our administrators are normally using Ubuntu PCs so we have a Windows XP running inside VMware Player, in other words, this management host can be a virtual machine instead of a normal PC.

Configuring with DCUI

Setting the root password

Select Configure Root Password from the main menu and set the root password.

Configuring IP address for the management interface

Now connect ethernet cable to the management NIC. Next select Configure Management Network from the main menu. Select Network Adapters and select the only adapter which has a connection. Next select IP Configuration, select Set static IP address and network configuration and set the address, netmask and gateway. Next select DNS Configuration and define you DNS server's IP address(es). Next select Custom DNS Suffixes and add your local network name. Next select Restart Management Network from the main menu. Finally connect ethernet cable to the remaining interfaces.

Configuring SSH

Activate SSH on the ESXi by following the following instructions. Please note that you must properly secure the management network as this opens an additional way to access the ESXi host. Consider also allowing SSH only for non-root users in order to increase security.

Configuring with VMware Infrastructure Client

Configuring network interfaces and virtual switches

Virtual network configuration

Configuring virtual switch for guests

Configuration > Networking > Add Networking > Virtual Machine > Create a virtual switch
Network Label = Production
VLAN ID = Empty

Configuration > Networking > vSwitch0 > Properties > VM Network > Remove

Configuring virtual switch for storage devices

Configuration > Networking > Add Networking > VMkernel > Create a virtual switch
Network Label = Storage
VLAN ID = Empty
IP Address:

Setting the license key

Configuration > Licensed Features > License Source > Edit > Use Serial Number

Configuring NTP

Configuration > Time Configuration > Properties > Options

NTP Settings > Add >
General > Start automatically

Configuring remote logging

Configuration > Advanced Settings > Syslog > Remote

Syslog.Remote.Hostname =
Syslog.Remote.Port = 514

Resource limits for SFCB

Configuration > System Resource Allocation > Advanced > host > vim > sfcb > Edit Settings > CPU Resources > Limit = 500 MHz

See also CPU spikes on a PowerEdge 850.

Configuring automatic VM start and stop

Configuration > Virtual Machine Startup/Shutdown > Properties > Allow virtual machines to start and stop automatically with the system

Configuring users and permissions


Configuring storage network - iSCSI

Configuration > Storage Adapters > iSCSI Software Adapter > Properties
General > Configure > Enabled
Dynamic Discovery > Add > iSCSI Server =

Configuring storage network - NFS

Configuration > Storage > Network File System
Server =
Folder = /some/path
Datastore Name = xxx

Installing real certificates


scp server.key esx1:/host/ssl_key
scp server.pem esx1:/host/ssl_cert

Backing up the current configuration


vicfg-cfgbackup -s --server myesx --username root myesx.bak Guide/PDF/MSGPA03.pdf
Appendix E

Cloning existing configuration





Installing RCLI

Fetch RCLI from the VMware Infrastructure 3 Drivers & Tools page. Extract and install it on your Linux desktop.

tar xzf /home/www/vmware/VMware-RCLI-3.5.0-104314.i386.tar.gz -C /tmp
cd /tmp/vmware-rcli-distrib
sudo ./

Installing VMware ESXi updates

VMware ESXi, like any other host, needs maintenance from time to time. The VMware Update Manager is a simple Microsoft Windows application which makes it easy to push all the software updates available to your ESXi hosts. Another method is to use the vihostupdate utility from the RCLI package. See KB 1006089 and the vihostupdate(8) manual page for details how to use this utility.

In addition to installing VMware Update Manager or RCLI, you should sign-up for security notifications at VMware Security Center.

Backing up VMware ESXi configuration


Backing up virtual machines


Converting existing virtual machines to ESXi



Mapping VMware Tools to virtual CD-ROM


cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1
ln -s /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/linux.iso
ln -s /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/windows.iso
ln -s /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/freebsd.iso
