Technical Resources and Course Web Site for
Operating Systems, Fourth Edition

by William Stallings

Two-time winner of the best Computer Science and Engineering textbook of the year from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association: (fourth edition, 2002; third edition, 1998)

Last Updated: Monday, February 12, 2007

This site is intended to provide support for instructors and students using the book. For more information about the book, see the Prentice Hall page, which provides a table of contents and description.

Useful Web Sites

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UNIX Guru Universe: Excellent source of UNIX information.
Linux Documentation Project: The name describes the site.
Windows Development: Good source of information on Windows internals. Note especially the section on Windows Base Services.
The comp.os.research FAQ: Lengthy and worthwhile FAQ covering operating system design issues.
ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems. Information on SIGOPS publications and conferences.
IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Applications. Includes an online newsletter and links to other sites.
IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Cluster Computing An international forum to promote cluster computing research and education.
Beowulf Central soure of information on Beowulf clusters..
The Memory Management Reference A good source of documents and links on all aspects of memory management.
The Operating System Resource Center A useful collection of documents and papers on a wide range of OS topics.
Operating System Technical Comparison Includes a substantial amount of information on a variety of operating systems.
Review of Operating Systems A comprehensive review of commerical, free, research and hobby OSs.
I/O Characterization and Optimization A facility dedicated to education and research in the area of I/O design and performance. Useful tools and tutorials. Operated by the U. of Illinois.
Object Management Group Industry consortium that promotes CORBA and related object technologies.

Course Support Materials

Student Resource Site: Help and advice for the long-suffering, overworked student.
Errata sheet: Latest list of errors, updated at most monthly. File name is Errata-OS4e.mmyy. If you spot any errors, please report them .
Windows 2000: All of the Windows material from the book in one PDF document, for easy reference.
UNIX: All of the UNIX and Linux material from the book in one PDF document, for easy reference.
Pseudocode: All of the algorithms from the book in an easy-to-read Pascal-like pseudocode.
Java: All of the algorithms from the book in a Java.
Java Primer: A brief Java primer by Paul Carter of the U. of Central Oklahoma.
Figures: On-line transparency masters of the figures from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.
Tables: On-line transparency masters of the tables from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.
PowerPoint Slides: The "official" set of slides commissioned for use specifically with this book.A set of slides prepared for use with this book by Patricia Roy of Manatee Community College.
PowerPoint Slides: Another set of slides prepared for use with this book by Eugene Styer of Eastern Kentucky U.
PDF Slides: Another set of slides prepared for use with this book by In Guk Kim of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.
PDF Slides: Yet another set of slides prepared for use with this book by Dr. D. M. Akbar Hussain of Aalborg University.
Notes: A good set of summary notes suitable for use by students as a study guide. Developed by Sanjiv K. Bhatia of University of Missouri -- St. Louis.
Course Notes: A detailed set of notes in HTML format suitable for student handout. These notes were developed by Martin Rinard of MIT.
BACI: BACI simulates concurrent process execution and supports binary and counting semaphores and monitors. BACI is accompanied by a number of project assignments to be used to reinforce concurrency concepts.
Distributed BACI: Distributed BACI extends the BACI interface to allow for distributed algorithm development.
NACHOS: Nachos is an instructional operating system together with a series of assignments that can be used to provide hands-on experience with modern OS concepts. NACHOS overview, course notes, system code, and set of assignments are at this site. Made available for free by UC Berkeley. Professor Scott Stoller of SUNY Stony Brook has created Nachos-dfs to provide enhanced features for distributed file system projects.
OS Reading Group: An interesting idea for a discussion group on OS topics.

NOTICE: No password is required for any downloads. Downloading sometimes fails, either because your browser mistakenly assumes a password is needed or for other reasons. If so, try using another browser or an FTP package. If that doesn't work, there might be a problem at your end or at your ISP, perhaps a firewall issue. Then you would need to talk to a system manager on your end.

OS Courses

Instructors might find these web sites for courses taught using this book useful. I would appreciate hearing about web sites for other courses.

CS 3221 Operating Systems Practicum U. of Minnesota, Duluth. Usefel set of projects.
CSCI 345 Operating Systems American U. in Cairo. Set of PDF slides.
CSE410 Operating Systems Michigan State U. Laboratory exercises..
CSC468F Operating Systems U. of Toronto. Slides and lecture notes.
2010NT Operating Systems Griffith U. Australia, Some useful handouts.
CSIT 431 Intro Operating Systems SUNY Fredonia, Some useful tutorials.
CSCE 444 Operating Systems Pacific Lutheran U, Programming assignments.
CS 284 Operating Systems U. of Missouri, Programming assignments.
MACS 442 Operating Systems Colorado School of Mines, Projects, useful links.
CS418 Operating Systems Montana State U., Assignments, lecture notes.
CS345 Operating Systems Concepts Brigham Young U., Assignments, lecture notes.
CS 306 Operating Systems. Taught at State University of New York at Buffalo. Contains project and research assignments.
343 Operating Systems Kutztown U., Kutztown, PA. Interesting set of powerpoint projects, plus some good lecture notes on locality.
CS40 Operating Systems Santa Monica College. Some useful project and course note material.
C4760 Operating Systems U. of Missouri, St. Louis. Contains lecture notes, good set of links.
SYSC 4001 Operating Systems Carleton U. in Ottowa. Contains lecture slides.
CS623 Operating Systems Brooklyn Polytechnic U. Contains good set of handouts.
CSCI 3250 Operating Systems. Middle Tennessee State U.

Internet Mailing List

An internet mailing list has been set up so that instructors using this book can exchange information, suggestions, and questions with each other and with the author. To subscribe, send a message to with a message body of subscribe ws-os. To unsubscribe, send a message to with a message body of signoff ws-os. To post a message, send to

Suggestions, Please

If you have any suggestions for site content, please contact me at . In particular, please pass along links to relevant web sites and links to course pages used by instructors teaching from this book.

NOTE: There is a Chinese Language Version of this page, maintained by Zeng Yi of Beijing University of Technology.

Home Page of Bill Stallings