Submission of assignments

Subject: Fundamentals of Computer Science
Specialty: Engineering Degree - English - UPV/EHU
Academic year: 2010-2011
Lecturer: Ismael Etxeberria Agiriano

General instructions

The laboratories will preferably be carried out in group.

Submission on paper

It is mandatory to carry out first on paper, size A4, both the flowchart and the VB code as demanded. Each group will submit a single copy of the assignments for the whole group on paper.

The group must provide, when relevant, a list of test data sets with the expected results. Check them each time you change the program.

Don't forget to underline the keywords on paper, both for the flowchart and the VB code.

Indicate on the top-right part of the first page:

On other pages you should indicate:

You may use both sides of the paper but avoid putting the flowchart and its corresponding code on the same paper on different sides.

Exercises to upload with Moodle

Each student will keep a copy of the digital version and upload it individually, by specifying the authors. This means that the same work will normally be uploaded more than once for groups.

Normally the only relevant files will be the ones containing the code, in our case, the VB forms (*.frm). You may also submit the VB project files (*.vbp) but this is not necessary.

Each student must create a folder called FdIvbXX with her/his files and generate a unique compressed file called to upload it to Moodle.

If you use Windows you may compress a folder right-clicking on it and choosing "Enviar a" and after "Carpeta comprimida (en zip)".

Link: Moodle - This course