CPS data

Hardware and software versions

Raspberry Pi





Data files: CSV

Data files:

Filenames express the executing conditions. Meaning for a filename "Exe21-Per04-Gra10-Que010.csv":

Data files: CSV with no undelivered messages

Similarly, there is a complete set of files with no lines with zero values "NoZ13-Per08-Gra10-Que100.csv", that is, latencies lines for messages that have no arrived are removed.

Graphics: Data plots, Density plots and Histograms

Example: [ Exe17-Per04-Gra05-Que010.csv ] (click on image to zoom-in)

Data plot Histogram Density plot + Boxplot
[ Exe17-Per04-Gra05-Que010.png ] [ Exe17-Per04-Gra05-Que010-hist.png ] [ Exe17-Per04-Gra05-Que010-box.png ]